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Discover Scuba Diving 體驗潛水



  •  裝備介紹以及如何使用: 面鏡 / 蛙鞋/ B.C.D / 調節器 / 潛水壓力錶/ 防寒衣 / 配重系統 / 備用氣源

  •  學習呼吸規則和平衡技巧

  •  清除調節器和面鏡中的積水

  • 手勢和水底溝通的技巧

  • 常見魚類介紹,穿戴調整水肺裝備


  • 水底呼吸,清除調節器積水/調節器尋回

  • 清除面鏡積水,平衡耳壓技巧,BCD充排氣閥使用

  • 放鬆心情,深且慢的呼吸,暢遊碧海藍天,看魚去!


Explore the amazing underwater world in
North East Taiwan - Dragon Cave Bay


Discovery Scuba Diving (DSD)

Weekend NTD 2,500

Weekday NTD 3,500 (*add NTD 1,000 for private trip)


*Add second DSD NTD 2,000

*Transportation NTD 300 (round-trip transportation to dive site from our dive center in Taipei) 

Just add NTD 1,500 for second DSD

Visibility 7-15m

Water temp from 24 (Apr-May) to 28 (July-Aug) degrees Celsius

Max depth 12m

Time from 5:30am to 2:00pm (departure time may vary, please check with us to confirm)

Meeting Location BigBlue Dive Center

Price includes ONE DSD, diving gear and insurance.

Booking is only confirmed upon receiving your payment.

To participate in the Discover Scuba Diving experience, you must be at least 10 years old.

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